What are JAQuel Queries?
JAQueL stands for „Json ASAM ODS Query Language“ and is an intuitive query language for measurement data stored in any ASAM ODS server.
JAQueL example
JAQueL is used by the Python ASAM ODSBox verwendet - einem leichtgewichtigen Wrapper für die standardisiert- a lightweight wrapper for the standardized ASAM ODS REST API.
The combination of JAQueL and ODSBox makes it easy to get started with programming ASAM ODS queries.
Why use JAQueL queries?
JAQueL allows you to query your data in a simple and intuitive way, using the concepts of the MongoDB Query Language (MQL) It hides the complexity of the original ASAM ODS API by allowing you to work with entity names instead of IDs (AIDs, to be more precise) or to use “base” and “application” names in a mix, for example.
The definition of query expressions as JSON can be easily integrated into the Python language - a win-win situation for programmatic data exploration.
JAQueL example
Is JAQueL a Peak-specific solution?
As mentioned earlier, JAQueL is part of the Python ASAM ODSBox open-source project and can be used with any ASAM ODS server. In addition, Peak Solution is committed to open-source projects and we host the Python ASAM ODSBox in our GitHub Repository.
Connected solutions
You can click on the links to get more information about the individual components
Peak Test Data Manager
Peak Test Data Manager components that support the ASAM ODS standard:
Peak ODS Server
Long-term data storage including APIs for standardized and secure data access.
Peak ODS Adapter für Apache Spark
Scalable data access based on Apache Spark
Related topics
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ASAM ODS provides the means to store and retrieve test and measurement data.
ODS Model Viewer
Inspect the data model and content of your ASAM ODS server. Interactively work with JAQueL queries and convert to classic ASAM ODS queries.
Python ODS Utilities
Open-source tools and examples for working with ASAM ODS data using Python.
Open Source Projects
Find out more about Peak Solution's commitment to open source projects